“Do or do not, there is no try.” Yoda

Today’s Tuesday Choice might be slightly contentious but the point is, you do have a choice, and the choice is yours to take.
Is there something you know you need to do but cannot see the possibility in it? Do you doubt your ability or possibilities, just like Luke did of becoming a Jedi and using the Force? From Yoda’s point of view, trying was not going to solve anything.
What can you choose to believe in yourself with, rather than taking the approach of trying and therefore maybe failing?
For Yoda, trying might have been the same as ‘it will not work at all’. Furthermore, Yoda wanted Luke to understand that faith was not enough; it was either he knows how it’s done or he becomes a failure.
If your mind is set on trying to do something, could you be setting yourself up for failure by admitting that there is an option of failing? To eliminate the chance of failing in your mind is the beginning of setting your mind to succeed in every way possible. That is basically the point Yoda is trying to drive home. It may seem tough though but according to Yoda, eliminating the option of failure in your equation is the best option. The point is, Yoda believes that you must believe that you can do something in order for you to make it.
What to you believe?
Will you choose to try or choose to just do?
I’d be keen to hear your thoughts on this.
If you need support in getting your dreams off the ground but you’re blocked by limiting beliefs, lack of clarity or any other factors, please get in touch. I can help you with your doing or with your trying. I can help you become unstuck. Contact me at TheJoy@unahaslinger.com if you’d like to chat through this.

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Grounded by the Sea


Embracing all your traits, the good, the bad and the ugly